I am so happy with the way this past year has gone for her. It wasn't long ago at all that I seriously doubted whether she'd be able to attend school or not because of her allergies. Being severely allergic to milk, eggs and nuts certainly has it's limitations in life, but she successfully whizzed through an entire school year at Thompson Preschool, and loved every minute of it! I cannot express enough thanks to the ladies at that school. They really went above and beyond the call of duty to make sure that not only was Jillian safe, but that she got to participate in every activity, even if it meant changing the activity for the whole class.
She doesn't know how "different" she is. She understand that there are things she cannot do, things she cannot eat, but thanks to a wonderful school and staff, she felt just like the rest of the kids... for one more year, at least.
Next we tackle Kindergarten. I'm optimistic, I really am. I have already spoken with the principal, guidance counselor, and nurses, and I feel confident that they are going to do everything they can to keep her safe. It's a wonderful feeling to know that people understand your child's needs and are willing to accommodate them. But at the end of the day, she is my child, not theirs, and I have to stay on top of things.
Luckily, my little ball of sunshine has always been quite good at rolling with the punches, so to speak. Maybe she can give me some tips.
Found your blog via FASG, congrats on successful year of PreK! Elementary is scary with food allergies, I hope your school works with you next year.